Sunday, September 26, 2010

Blog Assignment #5

The Education Pod casting Network- I am so glad that I watched this and I thought it was very easy to unserstand and grasp. This was a great exampleof how to set up a podcast. Now that podcasts are becoming more popular this can be helpful to more people. This website did a great job of describing what podcasting and education mean. I think teachers can effectively use this to come up with lesson plans. I also really like how the podcasts are grouped into subjects and you can navigate through each subject to learn more about that area.

Eagles' Nest Radio Episode #3 Roamin' with the Ancient Romans- It is great that these ids got to take part in something like this. It seems like a fun way to learn about a certain subject and to learn about the technology as well. After listening to the show, I am definately educated in the Romans. The children actually sound excited about what they're talking about and really seem to know a lot of information on the subject. It's really cool to think about the fact that third graders put this together. I'm defiantely impressed. I would love to do somehting like this when I become a teacher. I think the students will find it fun while learning about certian subjects in depth.

100 Ways to Use Your iPod to Learn and Study Better- Again, I have learned a lot of information that I didn't already know by watching this video. I had no idea there was so much that you could do with an ipod. I have an itouch and I just use it for my music and maybe some pictures. I do have a couple of games on there that I lay, but I just had no clue about all the things I could do with it. I just think it can be great to take all the information that you want and store it in a single place sucha s your ipod. I am just reminded everyday about all the things I can do with technology, especially in a classroom that is new information to me.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Blog Assignment #4

Don't Teach Your Kids This Stuff. Please?-When I first read this post I was confused. At first I did not know if it was serious or not, but then I picked up on the sarcastic vibe. I agreed with what Dr. McLeod. We have to omit what people are saying about how technology is not useful because it is the present and future of our world. this is exactly why we have to teach with techonology and expect for children to use technology. There are more advantages than we can imagine with using technology. To be an effective teacher, I feel that there is no way to get around using technology. Scott McLeod is an Associate Professor of Educational Administration at Iowa State University. He is also the Director of the UCEA Center for the Advanced Study of Technology Leadership in Education. Mr. McLeod is the co-created of Did You Know? videos.

Lost Generation- I really liked this video. At first I thought it was depressing. I thought it was over until when the narrator started reading again. It took me a while to catch on that she was just reading the lines backwards. My attitude altered after that. I thought that this video stressed the importance of making our own decisions and our happiness being in our own hands. It means to me that you do not have to be a statistic or follow those statistics, but be your own person. The technique was very captivating. It can really have an impact on your overall attitude.
The iSchool Initiative- Was this person really seventeen?? That's amazing and I am in awe. I was very impressed by the proposal. I think this idea of iSchool is totally awesome and I think it would be successful in school systems with students and teachers for a lot of different reasons. It could save us from buying a lot of supplies for school. I honestly would take this iSchool proposal seriously and try and get this idea incorporated into the school system. The argument Travis makes in this video is that there is no real need for "paper and pencil" learning in the classroom. Effective communication can be made through ischool. There are already many ways for learning on the itouch. Travis states that its beneficial for not only students, but for teachers. After looking at what already is available, Travis proposes some new ideas that he has for learning, such as lunch menu applications. He also proposes some grade tracking implication that could be very useful. I think ischool could really be useful in our school system.

Eric Whitaker's Virtual Choir- I was intrigues by this video and I don't beleive I could have ever thought of something like this. The internet is truly amazing and its mind-blowing to see all that it can really do. It is cool to think that all of the members of the choir who could most certainly be from all around the nation or the world and can meet through the internet and sing together. It is just so amazing that these choir members have never met and don't even know each other but have practiced and performed with each other over the internet. It just makes me smile and nod my head at how amazing technology is.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Additional Assignment #1

Google Squaredis probably my new favorite search engine. Your able to see information organized in tables. I thought the information was simple to follow because of the collumns and rows. Google Squared is a good tool to search something such as populations just like Dr. Strange did in the video. It is useful if you need to see several pieces of information about one or more particular subjects. I searched the simple term, bread. There were tons of different types of bread that appeared and listed them down the left hand collumn. Any type of bread that I wanted to know about could be easily found.

WolframAlpha defiantely is not my favorite. I prefer google squared a lot more than I do this one. I feel this search engine would be useful if you only wanted to know some basic information about certain things.I have to say that between the two I thought google squared could better benefit my learning experience, but I am sure that WolframAlpha has its perks as well.

I have just now learned of google squared and WolframAlpha for the first time and believe that if I had not taken this courseI still would not have heard of them. I am glad to have discovered them because I think they can be beneficial in my future as a teacher.

I re-read my comments form the Did you know video and I think that my comments have slightly changed from then to now. The populations differences are what really blows my mind and I think that those are obviously the main causes for all the number differences in statistics. It all still blows my mind though.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

C4T #1 Summary

A New Twist to Parent Engagement-
Mrs. Manaiakalani is obviously a teacher that really appreciates and technology and certainly wants to incorporate it into the classroom. In her post she tries an experiment that allows the students who are ages 7 and 8 to teach other adults, who in this experiment are the other students parents, how to use technology and through their teaching she hopes they learn more effectively. An example of learning through teaching is how teachers never really know how they want to teach until actually doing it. I think that we can go to school to be teachers forever, but until we really get in front of a classroom and teach we will not ever really know. Mrs. manaiakalani used a great method for learning to use technology.
She also incorporated a wonderful prayer into the post that can be prayed about the use of technology and how to correctly incorporate it that I thought was really inspirational.

Student Internet Use in the Holidays-
Mrs. Manaiakalani tried to conduct a scientific research project on how many kids used internet over the holidays and how many had access etc., but it became more of a poll. The majority of students in grades 1-8 did have access to internet over the holidays mostly on laptops or PC computers. This is great information to know due to the fact that students can learn outside of school months and teachers can try to more effectively give websites and other technological material outside of school months.

Blog Post #3

A Vision of Students Today-I thought this video had an weird vibe to it. There was a lot of information given to me but it was definitely not the first time I have thought about some of these things. It was enlightening. Everyone gets bored with the same old classroom projects and I know now that I want to be a teacher, but none of those classroom normalcies would have me ready to teach. I believe that in order to learn as a student you must learn by doing. I'm a hands on learner myself so I would try to incorporate that into my teaching. For example, I am planning on becoming an secondary English teacher. I feel as if I will learn the most about my profession by being in a classroom with a teacher and learning from experiences. But at the same time I think being in a lecture class in msot definately needed in some areas of teacher study.
All of the statements that the students in the lecture held up were mostly true. I know that through my experience my teachers have always, for the most part, had powerpoints, and viseos and such to show us and I actually have only been in about a handful of lecture classes that had big numbers of students. The statements that were made in this video are mostly true to my college experience.
Right now I am struggling in a classroom with not being able to get in touch with one of my professors. I really need to speak with him about a certain issue I am having and have not been able to get in touch with this professor through email or phone. I would add to my video that teachers have a responsibility to check emails daily or any other type of communication device to get in touch with students who are trying to reach them.

It's Not About the Technology-After reading this post by Kelly Hines, it, in a way, makes me question what I believe. Everything that she stated made sense to me and made me think that it is not about the technology, but so many videos that we have watched through EDM310 tell me that it is about technology. I think that Mrs. Hines came to a good conclusion when she said it should not be about books alone or technology alone, but all kinds of skills.
A post that stood out to me was that Mrs. Hines says in her post "technology is useless without good teaching". I can agree with this. The quote is pretty self explanatory, but honestly how are you suppose to teach with all this technology when the teacher has no idea how to use it? They can't.
Overall I liked this post and I can see some great points were made and it opened my mind up to a different way of thinking about some things. If you know how to use the technology to teach you will have students who have learned the material. As uch as we have thought about how important technology is in the classroom we have to know it is not all there is to teaching.

Is It Okay To Be A Technologically Illiterate Teacher?-Again, a lot of great points were made in this post. I can see where it could be confusing to some at first, but things became more clear as I kept reading. Before I read this I asked myself the question 'is it okay to be a technologically illiterate teacher?'. My answer and I think everyone's answer is or should be NO, teachers need to be technologically literate. We have looked at this issue a lot already throughout this EDM class.
My favorite thing that he says in his post is "If a teacher today is not technologically literate - and is unwilling to make the effort to learn more - it's equivalent to a teacher 30 years ago who didn't know how to read and write." If thsi quote doesn't spell it out for you then I do not know what will. It helped me look at the situation in a different way.

Gary Hayes Social Media Count-The changes that are in this media count really make you think. These changes can mean so many things for mine and all my fellow classmates careers as teachers. This is not the first time I have had to think about how fast teachnology is growing around us in the last week and it is still just as shocking. Everything is changing all the time all around us and there is no stoping it. This media count means that for my professional career I will need to be technologically literate in order to be up to date with my teaching and just in order to live in the 21st century. It makes you think about how we are going to keep up because the rate of change is getting faster all the time and as teachers it is most important for us to be on top of things because the future is somewhat in our hands.

My Favorites

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Blog Assignment 2

-Did You Know? Honestly, this video scared me. It initially scared me to think about how much is going on around me and in the world every second that I knew was going on, but didn't fully comprehend. Along with being a little scared and shocked I also felt excited about becoming an educator.

As a teacher I am actually going to have a say so and a direct impact on students that will contribute to all that is going on in the world and that fact in itself excites me. At the end of the video it asked us what all this information meant. To me it means that we never stop learning and growing and as teachers we will never stop learning even if we are the ones behind the podium.

-Mr. Winkle Wakes. I sure felt sorry for Mr. Winkle Wakes at the beginning of the video because I can only imagine how a person would react if we took them from one hundred years ago and threw them into the present without a warning as to what to expect. And I know that if I went to sleep today and woke up one hundred years later I would react just the same as Mr. Winkle Wakes.

I also know that the purpose of this video was to let society know that schools have to move forward and have to constantly keep moving forward. I believe there is not enough technology used in the classrooms and this video was a great illustration of that problem. There are too many electronic resources and new technological advances that are around us for teachers to not incorporate them into the curriculum.

-Schools Kill Creativity. Ken Robinson was a great speaker and he made many valid points throughout his speech. He seems to be really passionate about education. When he mentioned that we grow out of education and that children are born artists I think he made a great point. Children are known for their creativity and carefree attitudes towards life that we all love, but as they grow we teach them how to think instead of letting them have their own creative imputs and ideas.

Another thing he mentioned was that we need to expect to be wrong in order to learn, but as we grow into adults we lose the capacity to expect to be wrong. I loved that he said this because as we go through life we learn by experience and in many cases we are either wrong or we see others make mistakes. As we grow and become proud we still need to be alright with error in order to grow. This point really spoke to me.

-Harness Your Students Degital Smarts. EVERY STUDENT CAN LEARN. When a student is given just paper and pencil, it limits them to only be able to do certain things, but through technology students will be able to be more creative and learn in many more ways. This is what Vicki Davis believes. She is definately a teacher who uses media in the classroom and to educate her students. She has taken advantage of the opportunity in front of her through computers and technology to educate students and she should be an example to all teachers. She is a great example of how media can effectively be used in the classroom.

Another thing that she does that other teachers should incorporate is that she makes them be thinkers and brainstorm. Instead of teaching everything we should give students an opportunity to seek information themselves and think of the impowerment that student wil have from doing just that.