A Vision of Students Today-I thought this video had an weird vibe to it. There was a lot of information given to me but it was definitely not the first time I have thought about some of these things. It was enlightening. Everyone gets bored with the same old classroom projects and I know now that I want to be a teacher, but none of those classroom normalcies would have me ready to teach. I believe that in order to learn as a student you must learn by doing. I'm a hands on learner myself so I would try to incorporate that into my teaching. For example, I am planning on becoming an secondary English teacher. I feel as if I will learn the most about my profession by being in a classroom with a teacher and learning from experiences. But at the same time I think being in a lecture class in msot definately needed in some areas of teacher study.
All of the statements that the students in the lecture held up were mostly true. I know that through my experience my teachers have always, for the most part, had powerpoints, and viseos and such to show us and I actually have only been in about a handful of lecture classes that had big numbers of students. The statements that were made in this video are mostly true to my college experience.
Right now I am struggling in a classroom with not being able to get in touch with one of my professors. I really need to speak with him about a certain issue I am having and have not been able to get in touch with this professor through email or phone. I would add to my video that teachers have a responsibility to check emails daily or any other type of communication device to get in touch with students who are trying to reach them.
It's Not About the Technology-After reading this post by Kelly Hines, it, in a way, makes me question what I believe. Everything that she stated made sense to me and made me think that it is not about the technology, but so many videos that we have watched through EDM310 tell me that it is about technology. I think that Mrs. Hines came to a good conclusion when she said it should not be about books alone or technology alone, but all kinds of skills.
A post that stood out to me was that Mrs. Hines says in her post "technology is useless without good teaching". I can agree with this. The quote is pretty self explanatory, but honestly how are you suppose to teach with all this technology when the teacher has no idea how to use it? They can't.
Overall I liked this post and I can see some great points were made and it opened my mind up to a different way of thinking about some things. If you know how to use the technology to teach you will have students who have learned the material. As uch as we have thought about how important technology is in the classroom we have to know it is not all there is to teaching.
Is It Okay To Be A Technologically Illiterate Teacher?-Again, a lot of great points were made in this post. I can see where it could be confusing to some at first, but things became more clear as I kept reading. Before I read this I asked myself the question 'is it okay to be a technologically illiterate teacher?'. My answer and I think everyone's answer is or should be NO, teachers need to be technologically literate. We have looked at this issue a lot already throughout this EDM class.
My favorite thing that he says in his post is "If a teacher today is not technologically literate - and is unwilling to make the effort to learn more - it's equivalent to a teacher 30 years ago who didn't know how to read and write." If thsi quote doesn't spell it out for you then I do not know what will. It helped me look at the situation in a different way.
Gary Hayes Social Media Count-The changes that are in this media count really make you think. These changes can mean so many things for mine and all my fellow classmates careers as teachers. This is not the first time I have had to think about how fast teachnology is growing around us in the last week and it is still just as shocking. Everything is changing all the time all around us and there is no stoping it. This media count means that for my professional career I will need to be technologically literate in order to be up to date with my teaching and just in order to live in the 21st century. It makes you think about how we are going to keep up because the rate of change is getting faster all the time and as teachers it is most important for us to be on top of things because the future is somewhat in our hands.
It is very unfortunate that you can't get in touch with your teacher. I sometimes feel the same way about my students they apparently don't read instructions and blog posts. They do seem to read email. You will also encounter these frustrations when you are a teacher. I think it's not just about the technology. To leave technology out of the equation entirely would be a mistake as Mr. Fisch contends. Despite this, at least a dozen students in EDM 310 do not believe all teachers need to be tech literate. Well see whether they still believe that at the end of the course.
ReplyDeleteI agree with you about using hands on experiences in the classroom because just sitting there can get very boring and a lot of times you will lose your students attention. I am also a hands on learner and because of this I know that my classroom will be a hands on type of classroom. I agree with Kelly Hines also because technology shouldn't be the number one thing study or used in a classroom. It should be incorporated and used in the classroom but, it shouldn't take over your classroom.