Sunday, September 12, 2010

C4T #1 Summary

A New Twist to Parent Engagement-
Mrs. Manaiakalani is obviously a teacher that really appreciates and technology and certainly wants to incorporate it into the classroom. In her post she tries an experiment that allows the students who are ages 7 and 8 to teach other adults, who in this experiment are the other students parents, how to use technology and through their teaching she hopes they learn more effectively. An example of learning through teaching is how teachers never really know how they want to teach until actually doing it. I think that we can go to school to be teachers forever, but until we really get in front of a classroom and teach we will not ever really know. Mrs. manaiakalani used a great method for learning to use technology.
She also incorporated a wonderful prayer into the post that can be prayed about the use of technology and how to correctly incorporate it that I thought was really inspirational.

Student Internet Use in the Holidays-
Mrs. Manaiakalani tried to conduct a scientific research project on how many kids used internet over the holidays and how many had access etc., but it became more of a poll. The majority of students in grades 1-8 did have access to internet over the holidays mostly on laptops or PC computers. This is great information to know due to the fact that students can learn outside of school months and teachers can try to more effectively give websites and other technological material outside of school months.

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