Sunday, October 3, 2010

Blog Post #6

The Networked Student- After watching the first video, we can see more clearly how the world around us has changed. He described two types of change, a incremental and fundamental change. One point that he made and that I more than agree with is that as teachers we should always be willing and open to share any and all information. If we really think about it, it is so easy to get any information we want through the internet. Its capabilities are unimaginable. This video was very eye-opening to me.

A 7th grader's Personal Learning Environment- This was, yet again, another video that shows us how accesible the web is to anything and everything we could ask for. She expressed to us how her PLE was set up and how we can benefit from it. I think that as a teacher one day I could definately set up my classwork online like this and it can make things a lot easier for me as a teacher and to my students.

The Machine is Changing Us- I couldn't state the truth better myself. Fifteen years ago, the next generation was labeled materialistic. Very similar to what we say about today's generation! I definately think that we are allmaterialistic whether we want to be or not. He says, society does not give recognition, you have to create your own. Youtube is way we can communicate by creating our own expressions in different ways. Youtube can express a true personality because anyone on youtube does not have to fear being infront of a person, but just in front of a camera.Youtube shows everybody anything and if someone is willing to post something on there then they need to be ready for all that will come as consequences. The "Free Hugs" video shows people coming together. This really touched me. It just goes to show that we can all be connected through youtube. Actually, the now famour, Justin Bieber was discovered on youtube. Just a fun fact for you.
justin bieber Pictures, Images and Photos


  1. Hi Meghan! I also enjoyed the 7th grader's personal learning enviornment. I was actually a bit intimidated by how advanced she was! It does really show what is accessable through the web. The list goes on and on! As a teacher I also think I can and will set my students up with a personal learning network. I also love your little fact about Justin Bieber being discovered on YouTube. Not a lot of people know that, I think it was a nice touch!

  2. Hi Meghan,
    Thanks for leaving Semi a comment on his blog. He is going to be so excited when he sees it. We're all on holiday at the moment and our school term starts up on Monday 11th October. All the best for the rest of your studies.

    Priscilla Lavakula
    (Room 10 Teacher)

  3. Hey Meghan,
    Well first of all I love your little tid-bit about Bieber. Now I have this sudden urge to scour through all of the videos on YouTube to find the next big hit! Anyway, yes I agree, it amazes me how the urge to express your individuality and to be recognized for it is very prevalent in our generation. But Youtube and Facebook alike can be used to bring people together. The Free hugs campaign and the One World video were amazing....I'm very tempted to create a similar video (just as soon as I can figure out how to tweak it enough to make it my own). Would you like to join me? Hopefully as future educators we can create projects like these that will motivate the students interact with the world around them and to make a difference n the world by changing one attitude at a time. Maybe that's a little far-fetched but that is the "I can change the world good kinda feeling" that the video gives you.

    Paige Bryant

  4. Meghan,

    I also agree that teachers should be willing to share information with people. I mean I do think that is our overall job as a teacher. PLNs are a great way to do this, not only for the teachers but definitely the students as well. The internet does open up tons of outlets for us to learn and collaborate. I think it is amazing how well the seventh grader set up her PLN. You mentioned that she shares with us some benefits of a PLN. What are some of the benefits for teachers and students? Do you think a PLN could or should replace the role of the teacher? What are your thoughts about the PLN, and how will you use it in your classroom?
